The SkyCaddie PRO 5X combines precision ground-mapping with TruePoint Positioning Technology to provide the laser accuracy demanded by Tour Players and recreational golfers who recognize the importance of having the right distance. Only SkyCaddie walks each course to ground verify their course maps with sub-meter precision. You deserve the most complete course maps in golf, that is why we record thousands of points on each course. To play better you need to trust your distance so you can trust the club on each shot. With the SkyCaddie PRO 5X, you will quickly SEE MORE, PLAY BETTER and HAVE MORE FUN with GREATER ACCURACY and THE GAME’S MOST INTUITIVE STROKE SAVING FEATURES. Features:The SkyCaddie PRO 5X utilizes its proprietary TruePoint Precision Positioning Technology powered by a high-performance GPS engine to more than double the error correction capabilities of typical GPSThe PRO 5X provides unmatched accuracy and reliability in the same category as lasers. The laser-like accuracy of SkyCaddie’s new PRO X series is crucial to a golfer’s confidence, which is further enhanced by the most complete, most reliable and the only ground verified course maps in the game.The superior accuracy and reliability of the PRO 5X make it the perfect companion for SkyGolf’s revolutionary GameTraX 360, Golf’s Next Generation Game and Performance Tracking Solution.